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# Title : Smadav Anti Virus 9.1 Crash PoC
# Published : 2012-11-12
# Author :
# Previous Title : Microsoft Office Excel 2010 Crash PoC
# Next Title : IDA Pro 6.3 Crash PoC

# Exploit Title: Smadav AntiVirus - Crash PoC
# Date: 10/Nov/2012
# Exploit Author: Mada R Perdhana (mada@spentera.com) / Spentera Research
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.smadav.net & http://www.smadav.web.id
# Software Link: http://www.smadav.net/download
# Version: 9.1 (Lastest Version, should be affected previous version)
# Tested on: Windows XP SP 2

The product will be crash when scanning a malicious .dll generate using
this script

file = open("crash.dll","wb")

The trick is by adding 49 bytes of malicious byte (represent with x41)
into the .dll file, right after the PE (x50x45) header on the 244th byte
of the file.